Summit Resources Refunds is a small group of expert government records auditors located in Florida and we operate across the United States. If you have received a call, letter, or email from us, it is because we have found funds that may be rightfully yours.
We have been trained and certified as Tax Payer Refund Recovery Specialist by the top attorney in this field and know the “in’s and outs” of government agencies in all states. If a government agency is holding your funds, we know how to get them. The agencies holding the assets often may have specific requirements that must be followed for proving your entitlement to the claim and submitting your request, so it is always best to have professionals on your side.
We know the “ins and outs” of agencies in all the states. We are familiar with all the paperwork and documentation required to collect your funds. We are looking out for your best interest. If you have received a call, letter, or email from us we have already put a significant amount of time and effort in determining if the money belongs to you and then following up to contact you.
Our Mission
Is to reunite you with your funds, after all you are the rightful owner. Most of the government agencies and corporations which we deal with only hold the funds for a certain period of time, after which they can permanently “escheat” to the agency holding them. That means you lose all right to claim them, forever. It is your money, and the government should not be able to take it. Our mission is to ensure this never ever happens. Our mission to audit government files and documents for these unclaimed funds, and when we find them, we make it our personal mission to reunite them with the rightful owner before it is too late.
We would love to see you reclaim the funds we have found for you! What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? Everyone has got a use for extra money.