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Summit Resources, LLC

How It Works

We do all the work from start to finish of the claim process and keep you continually informed of the progress.


The Audit

Summit Resource Overage Refunds audits many governmental agencies across the country to locate sums of money owed to private individuals and companies. You see, the government makes little attempt – nor are they under any obligation – to notify its citizens that they are owed money from any kind of abandonment other than publishing the list in a newspaper or sending a letter to whatever old address the agency has on file.

The types of funds that this falls under are not normally on any government list that they publish. These are hidden deep in catacombs of government records and 99% of the citizens do not even know that these exist.

Once we have located the funds, great efforts are expended to then locate the rightful owners. Remember, if these funds go unclaimed for too long, they are usually lost to the government.

Where did this money or asset come from?

Almost anywhere. Funds can originate from old bank or brokerage accounts, unknown inheritances are common, safe deposit boxes. Assets can be from storage facilities, corporate inventory of defunct companies, real estate, unclaimed prizes, government agencies, you name it.

Why is the money “unclaimed”?

For one reason or another the institution holding the funds has been unable to locate the rightful owners to return the money. So, literally billions of dollars sit in unclaimed accounts across the nation year after year. This money is lost and never gets found unless the owners of the unclaimed funds use a service like Summit Resources.

Call Us

If you have received a phone call or letter from us, it means we have located funds that likely belong to you.  Please contact us by phone as soon as possible so we can start your claim at 1 (813) 564-0739.

Call us now!

Paperwork and Payment

Once you have spoken to one of our Specialists and verbally agreed to let us work your claim, we will set up a time for you to sign paperwork to allow us to get started.

We do all the work from start to finish of the claim process and keep you continually informed of the progress.

Our company always works on a “Contingency” basis – there are no upfront or out of pocket expenses to you – NEVER! We do ALL the work, pay ALL the expenses, and jump through ALL the administrative hoops to claim your money. And if the claim is unsuccessful, which is rare, you owe was nothing. We take all the risk in exchange for an agreed upon percentage of the collected funds – a fair trade!

We send a local notary to collect the paperwork from you and overnight it back to our office. We start processing your claim immediately and follow through until the end, making sure to keep you informed the whole way.


Contact Us

Once you have spoken to one of our Tax Payer Recovery Specialists and verbally agreed to allow us to work your claim.



We will then set a time for you to meet with a local notary to review and sign the necessary paperwork which allows us to act on your behalf on the funds.

The notary will now inform you of the size of your claim and where it is being held. From this point forward you will always be in the loop about what is going on.

After meeting with you, the notary will FedEx the documents to our office where we will immediately begin the process of submitting your claim with the proper agency.


We Work Your Claim Process

Agencies usually process the claims within 60 – 90 days and sometimes sooner.

If a claim has complexity, it may take 90 – 120 days.  We continually follow up with the agency throughout the whole process to ensure the claim is moving forward and addressing any additional requests from the agency.



Once the claim is approved, the agency will send out a check and we will send you your check within 10 business days via FedEx Next Day directly to you!

It is as simple as that! Speak with us, meet with the notary, then wait for your check. What could you do with the extra money? Remember, we do ALL the work!

Did you receive a call or letter from us?

Great news! We recently completed a comprehensive search that indicates that you are the rightful recipient or heir to money or other assets that have gone unclaimed. Each year we uncover millions of dollars in unclaimed money or lost assets due to people who are never notified. Often there is an expiration date to file a claim to receive the assets before they revert to an agency. Most of the assets that we discover are not available by an Internet search and it is unlikely you will ever be notified of their existence without the efforts of a company like ours.

We spend countless hours researching unclaimed assets to find their rightful recipients. We have helped thousands of people collect money and other assets they were rightfully due. If you have not spoken with your claim’s professional yet, we encourage you or a trusted advisor to call or email us today. The claims process can take time – the sooner you begin, the sooner we can file a claim on your behalf.

Contact Us